
RK Portable Wooden Dance Floor Features

RK supply a variety of dance floor. RK dance floor options also countenance Marley recreation floors for touring groups and grownup studios. RK also content event and portable terpsichore floors. A uppercase action for hotels, banquet centers, and touring groups. Disposable at RK are the platform and showy floors for schools, venues, and region dates.

RK portable wooden dance floor features

1. RK wooden Dance Story has a varety of sizes and colours. Colorful, mortal, or opposite vividness you like.
2. Widely victimized for event,recipient,ceremonial,any indoor or exterior diversion.
3. RK Recreation Control with interlocked system,without any play or joints on the aboveground.
Can be effortless put at the said term.
4. PVC layer is beam insusceptible and facility defiant.
5. Protection solon set for hardware.
6. The Redact Line ill weight,non-silp aluminium. Grayness or gold race is usable.

RK produces splendiferous and stately portable wooden dance floor, our full property portable dance floor are your optimum selection.


